Sweet Gift Ideas for the One You Love
[image credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/gray-scale-photo-of-smiling-woman-3692749/]
Whether you’re in the early stages of a relationship, or have been together for decades, finding special gifts that can surprise your loved one and make them smile can be tricky. The temptation is to throw money at the problem and hope it wows. But often, just a little thought can deliver a really sweet gift that will make its mark in your lover’s memory.
Here are a few of our favourite sweet gift ideas.
Five Sweet Gift Ideas to Wow the One Your Love
A starting point
[image credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/food-healthy-wood-beach-8021128/]
Some gifts aren’t about the actual present. It’s what they imply that matters. Try starting with a picnic blanket. Then let your gift unfold. Whether you add in a gourmet hamper, snuggle up under the stars, or pack the car and head to the beach, a simple picnic blanket can symbolise intention and adventures to come. And over the years, it will come to carry memories.
Of course, it doesn’t have to be a picnic blanket. You could start with a refillable travel toiletry set. A ‘road trip kit’. Bicycle accessories. Walking shoes. A trowel or a packet of seeds. Anything that signals a promise, or the start of something special.
Gift experiences
[image credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/food-healthy-nature-fashion-6724402/]
Mention the words ‘gift experience’ these days, and your thoughts immediately turn to skydiving, and days at F1 racetracks. But not all gift experiences need to be extravagant – or purchased from an official supplier. You can make your own by planning something wonderful. A DIY spa day. A weekend break. Or a day trip to somewhere that they really want to go – be it Kew Gardens or the local brewery. Doing something together is often so much sweeter than simply wrapping up a gift and handing it over.
Something to grow
[image credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-putting-plants-on-pots-4751969/]
It might be the influence of the pandemic. It might be the growing focus on environmental issues. But gardening, growing, and house plants are all really big right now. And they can be a wonderful way to celebrate a relationship. Whether you start with a single plant – your other half’s birth flower can be a nice idea, or maybe something that was in bloom in the month that you met – or a garden makeover, for the right person, plants make one of the sweetest gestures. And the options are almost endless. A small tree that grows and bears fruit – or provides shelter – as your relationship progresses. A rose with their name. An air purifying house plant to adorn their office. A plant subscription service. Or the quirkier, less common plants that provide a talking point as well as a smile.
A shared hobby
[image credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/time-lapse-photography-of-egg-1070893/]
Leading on from the above, gardening is not the only hobby to have grown in popularity. And sharing interests can be a lovely way to share time together. So, whether it’s baking, brewing, growing, sport, or some form of craft, investing in a shared hobby can be a really sweet gift to give to your significant other. The trick is to do some tentative research first, and make sure that you opt for something that they are genuinely interested in too, so you don’t just end up buying a present for yourself!
Retro sweets
And lastly, what could make a sweeter gift than personalised retro sweets? Apart from the fact that they taste amazing and carry an implicit sense of indulgence, sweets are packed with good feelings and nostalgia. Whether you opt for a glorious sugar-fest in the form of a personalised hamper, or use Love Hearts to get your special message across, retro sweets can be a fabulous way to make someone’s day special. Especially if you integrate them with other gift ideas… Just imagine where a picnic blanket and a 3kg bag of pick ‘n’ mix could take you!
Finding the perfect gift for someone really special can often be quite stressful. You feel a pressure to get it right. Which is a shame, because gift shopping can be an enjoyable experience. Sometimes, forgetting about price, and focussing on sentimental value can be the better approach. That way, you can find yourself with the sweetest gift around.
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